2020: Generac Stage
Adaptation of existing stage to include addition of wing walls
Existing sign analysis to confirm adequacy for an increase in height and a change from open to fully clad sign
2019: Uline Stage Area Modifications
Replacement of the existing stage roof and upgrade to the areas immediately adjacent to the stage
VIP structure including a small restroom component
Guest Services structure with integral “pylon” sign
New beer pod
2019: Klements Stage Area
New stage structure and complimentary features
2018: US Cellular Stage Area
New stage structure with backstage dressing rooms, production office, restrooms and loading docks
New free-standing pylon sign
New mix tower​
2018: North Gate
“Swoosh” and integrated canopy
Ticketing building
Miscellaneous site elements
​2016: Miller Stage Enhancements
Addition to VIP Building
Backstage Brew House
Significant, decorative trusses at stage
Beer pods
Mix tower
Festoon lighting
2011: Summerfest South End Development – Phase II
BMO Harris Stage and VIP Lounge
Restroom building
2010: Summerfest South End Development – Phase I
VIP Building with Deck
Briggs Stage building with screen wall
South gate entry feature and decorated screen wall