Hub at East Lansing
This 340,000 square-foot, 10-story apartment building is located near the campus of Michigan State University and offers 8 levels of apartment units, 1 level of commercial space, and parking spread across 4 levels. The building is structured with 8 stories of cold-formed over the top of 3 levels of post-tensioned concrete (1 below grade). The transfer slab at the top of the concrete podium is 20" thick to support the weight of the cold formed levels. After discussions with the architect and general contractor it was determined that the most economical lateral system for the building would be concrete shear walls for the concrete levels and steel braced frames hidden inside the cold formed bearing walls for the cold-formed levels. Because the braced frames did not align with the shear walls, they needed to be supported by the PT slab. To provide anchorage for the high tension loads in the braced framed columns, PE designed short wide flange steel beams to be embedded into the slab rather than providing a concrete beam that would have reduced the headroom below.
Project Highlights
East Lansing, MI
Square Feet
Year Completed